About Deborah

Hi, I’m Deborah Hannam.

As a qualified Naturopath, I have been helping clients in Maryborough, the wider Fraser Coast and throughout Australia for over 27 years. I understand that the road to wellness often takes time and that clients need to travel it at their own pace – but I am here to celebrate your success every step of the way.

On a personal level, I have always enjoyed healthy eating and exercise and can often be seen walking or running in my local neighbourhood or around Anzac Park. Of course, everything in moderation and I also enjoy going out for a coffee and cake with friends.

In my spare time, I like to bushwalk and go camping, and have completed a few challenges to date such as 60km Coast Trek, Miss Muddy and Tough Mudder, Wondai 11km Trail run and Yeppoon 10km Running festival and currently Run The World (Run Down Under). As an adult I finally learnt to swim and enjoy yoga, bike riding, cooking and following the NRL. I have sense of fun and enjoy a good laugh.

Alpha natural health centre - deborah hannam

Qualification Details of Deborah Hannam

  • Diploma of Applied Science (Naturopathy) Australian College of Natural Medicine. Brisbane. QLD . Australia 1996
  • Member of Naturopaths and Herbalist Association of Australia (NHAA) No. 146020
  • Fellow Member of Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) No 11884
  • Practitioner Certificate in Herbal Medicine
  • Certificate in Massage and Deep Tissue Massage
  • Certificate in Iridology, American, German and Rayid Iridology.
  • Certificate in Australian Bush Flower Essences.  
  • Free Radical Therapy
  • Diploma of Smart Bowen
  • Level 1 & 2 Reiki Jin Kei Do
  • Certification in Emotional Release Technique (ERT)

What I do

When you don’t feel your best – either physically or emotionally, it is hard to know where to start.  I can help. I offer a range of complementary services that assist you to make changes towards better health.  These are implemented at your pace and often involve small, simple changes to diet or daily routine that can make a big difference.   Think of me as your personal wellbeing cheer squad.


“Naturopathy empowers people to play an active role in their own healing” 

Naturopath consultation…what can I expect?  We discuss your concerns and symptoms and together we examine your diet and lifestyle such as work, exercise, stress levels, genetics and other body interactions. During the consultation I look at your tongue, nails, eyes, face, pulse, and weigh and measure you. I look for the underlying cause holistically, not just treating the name of “the disease”.  Each person has the ability to heal themselves given the right conditions.  Natural medicines, food, and lifestyle changes can be used to restore, enhance and support the body’s own capabilities to heal from the cellular level.

Herbal Medicine

“Herbs, the first medicine”

Herbal medicine provides an easy way to bring about improvement in a variety of conditions.  It is particularly suited to the treatment of conditions such as:

  • poor immune function
  • nervous system related problems like stress, anxiety, and mild depression
  • reproductive health
  •  poor sleep
  • chronic and degenerative disorders such as asthma and arthritis
  • digestive problems
  • skin problems
  • obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes
  • cardiovascular support
  • cancer support therapy
  • adjunct treatment to common diseases treated with modern medicine

I use herbal medicine within a holistic framework treating the whole person rather than just a disease or one part of the body.  From my comprehensive online dispensary, I can develop a formula to suite your specific needs.  Often this will be in liquid form, although tablets, capsules and powdered preparations are also available. Nutraceuticals can also be prescribed and the individual prescription is reviewed at each follow up consultation. Your order is posted direct to your door.

The need for a strong immune system has never been greater with the current COVID pandemic.  Herbal medicine excels at building your immune system, keeping it strong and aids in recovery.

Biocompatibility Food Analysis

 “Let Food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

If one man’s food is another man’s poison this test provides the information you need to make food choices that will work for you. Using a small hair sample, we’ll identify the influence that a variety of local foods have on your body. This can help with weight loss, skin conditions, gut / digestive issues, fatigue, headaches and migraines, pain, inflammation, respiratory and reproductive issues. It’s non-invasive, effective, and gets results by identifying your individual reactions to a list of 500 foods and household products.

Colon Hydrotherapy

“Health begins in the Colon”.

People who regularly have colon hydrotherapy find it helps with weight loss, digestive problems, IBS, constipation, diahorrea, bloating, reflux, skin problems, headaches, arthritis, and pain.  They feel rejuvenated, have more energy and notice an improvement in the condition of their skin.  Colon hydrotherapy is often used as an adjunct to detoxification and wellness programs. I have been providing colon hydrotherapy for over 20 years.  It is a safe and gentle system cleansing of the large bowel to soften and remove impacted faecal matter that is trapped in the colon. 

Iridology & Sclerology

For those clients who generally feel ‘a little under the weather’ but cannot pinpoint exactly why, Iridology and sclerology are are additional diagnostic tools that help identify health issues and develop informed treatments.  It is painless, safe, and on-invasive.  Using iridology I will examine the map in your eyes, and often be able to identify disease in the early stage of development, before symptoms become severe. 

The eyes are the window to the soul.

Gut Microbiome

Find out what’s really bugging you!

This inhome stool  test can identify the overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria and virus, yeast and fungi, parasites and worms together with gut function and inflammation markers as well of levels of beneficial bacteria. If a combination of these are out of balance it may compromise your health and contribute to many body system symptoms including many digestive problems including IBS, IBD, food intolerance and allergies, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and reflux, unexplained weigh gain, autoimmune disease, mental health issues, autistic spectrum disorders, skin problems, hormonal health and generalised systemic inflammation. 

“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”

A sample test can be seen here

FitGenes “Health and Wellbeing Report”

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By knowing your genes and their variations, you have the power to work with your genetics to make better health choices. The FitGene saliva swab (done in the comfort of your home) has been designed to identify any variants in key genes of major physiological pathways. This information often explains how your body responds to what you eat, how you exercise, and how you live your life. The FitGene test also identifies your possible risk for a number of health issues related to these pathways. Armed with this information, Deb can work with you to make small changes that may have a big impact.

The FitGenes test offers an extremely high level of data security. See https://www.fitgenes.com/privacy-consent-terms/

Hormone testing

Balance your hormones and actually enjoy life

Hormone testing can be used for a wide range of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle, fertility, menopause, low libido in men and women, erectile dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, and thyroid functioning.

 A simple urine or saliva test  is taken in the privacy of your own home, sent to the lab for analysis and result are sent back to me to me.  From the information we discuss the best options available to you.

A sample test can be seen here.

Blood Testing

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”

If you’ve had recent blood tests and have been told they’re within the ‘normal’ range but you suspect something is not quite right,  I can review these results and suggest treatment options  to reduce your symptoms and give you pointers to improve your nutritional state to avoid lifestyle illnesses from occurring.

Comprehensive blood testing, called a Queen Profile is available.   Your body is like a chemical factory doing a balancing act to keep you alive.  I use the profile to identify areas showing early signs of imbalance that may contribute to poor health now or in the future.  

Book Now

If you’re ready to make the next step, don’t
hesitate to give us a call on (07) 4123 6699.
Or book online below (this will open a new tab)

Still have further questions?

We’re here to help with any question you may have. Give us a call on (07) 4123 6699
or see our contact page for more information!